Finding the right manual mobility equipment can make a big difference in your ability to work, go to school, and bring wellness home. Whether you need a manual wheelchair, knee scooter, or walker to help recover after an illness or injury, or you’re looking for something more permanent, You Can Home Medical has the right equipment to fit your needs.
Today we’re talking about what to consider when you’re deciding between different types of equipment to allow safe mobility.
How Mobile Are You?
The mobility equipment you need depends on how active and mobile you are under your own power. For example, if you need crutches to get around but using them is tiring, then a walker or knee scooter may give you the support you need.
If you get tired quickly or have trouble standing and walking for long periods of time, then a manual wheelchair may be better, at least until you heal more and build stamina.
Do You Need Something Permanent or Temporary?
You may need your manual mobility equipment for a short period of time. In this case, using mobility equipment that takes the pressure off an affected area, such as your leg or ankle, may help you heal faster. If you’ve been ill, a manual wheelchair can give you the support you need to rest and recover.
If you need permanent mobility assistance, look for something that will give you the comfort you need for hours of daily use. This can mean a wheelchair with a padded back or one that’s ergonomically designed. You may wish to find mobility aids that allow you to carry things while using them, such as a walker or knee scooter with a small basket or a wheelchair that has a cup holder and a hook for bags or a purse.
How and Where Will You Use Your Manual Mobility Equipment?
The kind of mobility equipment you need depends on where you’re going to be using it. If you’re working in an office with tight confines, then look for a wheelchair or walker with a slimmer profile that has a smaller turn radius and allows you to get around narrow spaces more efficiently.
Think about the surfaces you’ll be traveling over. Look for equipment that can support you if you need to go over the raised threshold of a doorway or up and down over a curb. If you’re concerned about unleveled surfaces, look for options that have hand brakes to help you stop safely.
We have a wide array of manual mobility equipment to suit your needs. We have short-term rental options as well as long-term purchase options to match your individual needs. We also offer safety equipment for your home, such as grab bars and shower chairs. Our staff is well-trained to help educate and answer questions unique to your needs.